With retail trading becoming more accessible and a larger part of everyday online conversation, I found it interesting that the public was entitled to see the trades that insiders and politicians via Form-4. I didn’t feel like enough people knew that this information existed. I also felt there was a big problem in that, just by viewing the raw insider trading records, it was still difficult to understand the insider’s rationale or the implication of that trade. Knowing insider trading records existed was only half the battle, now how could the average retail trader act upon that information?


I built At it’s core, the product was a simple landing page and a backend email service. Every Monday I combed through all the Form-4 data would share what I believed were the most important trades from insiders, the c-suite, and politicians specifically. Again, my goal was to help retail traders understand the motive behind these insider trades and lead them to actionable advice (without explicitly giving financial advice, of course). Ultimately I scrapped the project based on my own loss of interest, but I enjoyed building the product and did get a small subscriber base started. Perhaps I’ll start it back up, but at the time I just found the analysis repetitive and the actionable advice limited, so I wasn’t sure how much value it would be to scale the project and spend more time on it.