Earmilk was my first foray into music journalism and I was recruited to be one of it's initial contributors to the hip-hop section of the website. The writing I did for Earmilk was at an opportune time because of the site's huge growth and the potential to submit ideas for your own projects or the betterment of the company. My usual tasks consisted of daily articles but the role also included introducing fans to new artists, performing interviews, and coordinating promotional efforts for events Earmilk partnered with.


Thanks to Ronnie Evans for introducing me to Earmilk and Montrey, Blake, Devon and the rest of the Earmilk team.

Even though Earmilk never released the footage, here's an interview I was able to do with Mac Miller's DJ Clockwork on their tour bus. Thanks to Matt Pangman for the editing and camerawork, check out more of his current work at